National Biosecurity Strategy

The National Biosecurity Strategy provides a collective vision for Australia’s future biosecurity system - a biosecurity system that protects Australia’s way of life. The strategy, which is endorsed by all agriculture ministers, was released on 9 August 2022.


National Biosecurity Strategy (PDF 10.0 MB)
National Biosecurity Strategy (DOCX 6.3 MB)

National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Plan (PDF 4.8 MB)
National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Plan (DOCX 642 KB)

National Biosecurity Strategy Action Plan 2024 (PDF 16.9 MB)
National Biosecurity Strategy Action Plan 2024 (DOCX 548 KB)

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Our shared purpose

To develop a risk-based system underpinned by science that protects Australia’s people, our environment, economy and lifestyle from the biosecurity threats of today and tomorrow.

Delivering benefits for all Australians

The task for Australia’s biosecurity system is becoming increasingly complex, creating new challenges for governments, industry and other stakeholders in protecting Australia’s biosecurity status.

Strong and efficient biosecurity is ever more essential as Australia, and the rest of the world, respond to changing global and domestic travel, trade and climate patterns.

The National Biosecurity Strategy builds on existing work to provide a strategic direction for Australia’s biosecurity system.

It aligns our collective efforts towards a common purpose and provides a clear commitment to prioritised action and investment. This will ensure the system remains fit to meet the challenges of the next decade.

The National Biosecurity Strategy is underpinned by the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity and will build on and provide a key next step to the National Biosecurity Statement, and federal, state, territory and sectoral biosecurity strategies.

The National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Plan supports the rollout of the strategy from now until 2032. The implementation plan outlines governance arrangements and will inform future planning work over the 10-year life of the strategy. It will contribute to the development of future national action plans and support the vision of a connected, resilient and shared national biosecurity system.

The National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Plan (NBS Implementation Plan) was released on 8 February 2024 and supports the rollout of the strategy from now until 2032. The NBS Implementation Plan outlines governance arrangements and will inform future planning work over the 10-year life of the strategy. It will contribute to the development of future national action plans and support the vision of a connected, resilient and shared national biosecurity system.

Australia’s inaugural National Biosecurity Strategy Action Plan (NBS Action Plan) was endorsed by Agriculture Ministers in late 2024. The NBS Action Plan acknowledges the considerable work already underway across the biosecurity system, complementing the intensive efforts of Australian, state and territory governments, industry, First Nations communities, landowners and managers, environmental groups and the community to strengthen our world class biosecurity system.

Priority areas

To achieve our vision and purpose, we will act in 6 priority areas.

Shared biosecurity culture

We will enhance our culture of biosecurity action so everyone understands its importance and plays their part.

Stronger partnerships

We will strengthen and expand partnerships and networks between all stakeholders at local, regional, national and international levels.

Highly skilled workforce

We will develop and sustain a highly skilled workforce to ensure we have the right capability, in the right place, at the right time.

Coordinated preparedness and response

We will boost our system’s adaptability and its capacity to prevent, detect, manage, respond to and recover from outbreaks.

Sustainable investment

We will ensure funding and investment is sufficient, co-funded, transparent, targeted to our priorities and sustainable for the long term.

Integration supported by technology, research and data

We will create a more connected, efficient and science-based system to facilitate more timely, informed and risk-based decisions.

National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Committee

Implementation of the National Biosecurity Strategy is underway.

The National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Committee has been established to support the delivery of the National Implementation Plan and National Action Plan.

The members of the National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Committee are:

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regions, South Australia
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Victoria
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Grain Producers Australia
  • Cattle Australia
  • Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
  • Australian Food and Grocery Council
  • National Farmers’ Federation
  • Natural Resource Management Regions Australia
  • North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance
  • Invasive Species Council
  • Grains Research and Development Corporation
  • Freight and Trade Alliance

National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Working Group

In recognising the need for meaningful consultation, a National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Working Group has been established. Membership is drawn from a range of biosecurity sectors. The focus of the Working Group is to engage with stakeholders to develop the actions for the National Action Plan with an initial focus on the priorities of “Shared biosecurity culture” and “Stronger partnerships”.

The members of the National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Working Group consist of:

  • Australian Food and Grocery Council
  • Australian Forest Products Association
  • Australian Land Conservation Alliance
  • Australian Pork Limited
  • Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • International Forwarders and Customs Brokers Association of Australia
  • National Landcare Network
  • University of Tasmania

The Working Group will engage with a diverse range of biosecurity stakeholders to inform the development of tangible and impactful actions for progression under the National Action Plan. More information is available on the Have Your Say website.

Get in touch

You can contact the National Biosecurity Strategy Project Team at