Knowledge hub

A space for both stakeholders and the public to learn more about biosecurity in Australia.

Here you will find information and tools to help you be more biosecurity aware.

Help us spread the word by sharing these resources.

We are still building this section. If you know of a biosecurity resource that you think should be included, please let us know.

Education resources

Find resources for primary and secondary school age students.

Access information and activities that show how important biosecurity is to our lives.

See education resources.

Pests, diseases and weeds

Identify and take action on unwanted pests, diseases and weeds. See how to prepare and respond to outbreaks.

See pest, disease and weed resources.

Our national plant pest policies enable the consistent management of plant biosecurity risks across Australia to maintain our nation’s favourable plant biosecurity status and promote safe trade. These policies are vital for preventing the spread of plant pests, supporting Australia’s agricultural industry and preserving our environment.

See Official Control of Plant Pests and Diseases Policy 

Related links

Biosecurity stakeholders

There are a range of organisations involved in biosecurity in Australia. View the list below for further information on each.


Peak bodies and not-for-profit organisations